Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts and Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity Development Program for Stakeholders – Kalutara District
A Provincial Climate Board and a Provincial Climate Unit have already been established in the Western Provincial Council for the tasks of preparing a strong institutional structure for working on climate change within the provincial council jurisdictions, preparing provincial climate change adaptation plans and integrating climate change in provincial development planning.
In Western Province when implementing programs related to adaptation to climate impacts and disaster risk reduction, it has been identified that priority should be given to the Kalutara district, which has a high tendency to flood and other disasters due to geological and other characteristics.
- Maragahadeniya Vivekananda Tamil Junior College in Palindanuvara Divisional Secretariat and
- Yatagampitiya Junior College in Bulathsinghala Divisional Secretariat
Two school programs have been scheduled to be held on 05.11.2024 and 07.10.2024 with the participation of School Disaster Management Committees/Officials of Government Institutions/Parents and Leaders of Community Based Societies to sensitize school students and teachers on adaptation to climate change impacts and disaster risk reduction.
Several preliminary meetings related to the conduct of these school programs were held in the month of October with the participation of Western Provincial Council officials, school principals and other relevant parties, There, attention was paid towards the requirements for the successful accomplishment of this task.