Workshop on Scientific background and related data on Climate change – 2024.10.09
A workshop on “scientific background and related data on climate change” was organized by the Provincial Climate Unit of the Western Provincial council, to increase awareness on climate change resilience building as an initiative to enhance the capacity of the stakeholders as identified in the Provincial Roadmap on Climate Change Adaptation Plan.
This initial workshop was held for the officers of the Western provincial council with the objectives of incorporating the climate adaptation and mitigation on provincial development plans. The participants were provided awareness on the effects of industrial development on aggravating the climate change and its effect on environment. The emphasis was placed on the changing patterns of climate change on weather patterns and how the global environment respond to these climate change patterns as well. The need to adapt and mitigate the effect of climate change in provincial development was emphasized and was discussed in detail by Mr. Sumudu Silva, Institutional Officer of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), and Mr. K.G.H. Senaka P.Silva, Deputy chief Secretary (Planning) Western Provincial Council.