Planning Division

Provincial planning division which is an important division established under the Chief Secretary operates under the direct supervision of Deputy Chief Secretary (Planning). Approved cadre and the existing cadre of the planning division is as mentioned below.

Approved cadre Existing cadre
Staff Deputy Chief Secretary (Planning) 01 01
Director (Planning) 01 01
Director (progress control and operational) 01 01
Director (development and research) 01 01
Assistant Director (Planning) 06 05
Other Development Assistant 48 46
Program Assistants (IT) 04 02
Management Assistants 12 11
Drivers 01 01
K.K.S. 03 03

Functions and duties assigned to provincial planning division

  • Collection, regular update and analysis of information related to upgrade structural information which makes the foundation of planning and identifying problems, finding solutions, assisting to decide best option among priorities.
  • Making a midterm provincial development plan with economic convenient vision based on specific objectives and preparing marginal plans, annual action programs in it.
  • Preparing and implementing project proposals that can be operated through local and foreign funds.
  • Facilitating participation of private sector and social organizations in development
  • Management of continuity of using natural resources and examining environmental sense impacts and results.
  • Estimating value and quantity of new projects/ programs.
  • Supervision, coordination of active projects/ programs and assessing benefits of projects
  • Ensuring existence, operation and maintenance of public assets.
  • Build up planning potentials of establishments operating in provincial, district and divisional levels.
  • Keeping a close relationship with Finance Commission and National Planning Department for policy planning and technical assistance.
  • Bearing operational responsibilities of implementing programs and projects and Functions with regard to ensuring conformity to criterion, reasonability and productivity of investments.
  • Assisting all Ministries, Departments and Institutions in providing solutions based on priorities and problems identified with regard to provincial development in general and qualitative development of living condition of the people and for each component/ field and doing all technical works with regard to them.
  • Maneuvering future development activities of each field/ component based on descriptive marginal plan reports already prepared with regard to all components in the process of making the plan.
  • Work subjects identified in preparing annual programs should contribute and be directly relevant to achieve objectives, expectations and results of midterm plan and prioritizing and allocating provisions for functions advantageous and effective for the majority of people.
  • Obtaining optimal beneficiary contribution for all development activities.
  • Taking united, co-operative and collective efforts to achieve all objectives.
  • Distribution of functions and duties among the staff and establishing establishment structure as relevant for planed development process and establishing active planning and active operational committees in Divisional Secretariat Divisional and rural level as relevant for ensuring participation of provincial planning committee, marginal planning committees as well as of beneficiaries.

Maintain frequent post examination and evaluation

Problems and deficiencies identified in provincial planning process

1. Unavailability of up to date and accurate information and data system. Not appointing relevant officers for this division.2. Nonoccurrence of provincial development in a properly object wise planning process.

3. Disorganization of financial investments and weak level of quality and productivity of works.

4. Unavailability of proper operation, progress control and assessment in development activities. Inability to achieve annual targets, expected advantages and benefits due to that.

5. Lack of proper assigning of functions and duties as to obtain optima participation of man power resources with work study to achieve objectives expected from provincial planning division and lack of proper work supervision.

Proposed strategies

  1. Taking measures to make an accurate and up to date information data system required for planning activities
  2. Paying attention of policy makers and higher management to follow a planned development approach based on long term and midterm objectives of all development activities of the province
  3. Discarding present system based on annual action program and unorganized finance expense and introducing measures as to identify and solve key issues in the province and to measure productivity and assure quality of the investments
  4. Establishing a management information system and connecting it with decision making process
  5. Conducting a work study for the staff of the planning division and distributing works and responsibilities quantitatively among all employees again through a job description
  6. Proper supervision of assisting staff and endowing privileges of annual increments, promotions and foreign training opportunities through an assessment process and appraising their service.

Proposed strategies

  1. Taking measures to make an accurate and up to date information data system required for planning activities
  2. Paying attention of policy makers and higher management to follow a planned development approach based on long term and midterm objectives of all development activities of the province
  3. Discarding present system based on annual action program and unorganized finance expense and introducing measures as to identify and solve key issues in the province and to measure productivity and assure quality of the investments
  4. Establishing a management information system and connecting it with decision making process
  5. Conducting a work study for the staff of the planning division and distributing works and responsibilities quantitatively among all employees again through a job description
  6. Proper supervision of assisting staff and endowing privileges of annual increments, promotions and foreign training opportunities through an assessment process and appraising their service.

1. Establishment and up to date maintenance of provincial information and data system

  • Collecting and computerizing accurate information and data required for provincial development and up o date maintenance of them
  • Analyzing information and data by national, provincial, district, divisional and rural level, identifying issues and problems through a comparative discussion.
  • Collecting information on the fields where information are unavailable at present by surveys conducted from time to time as required, publishing and using them for planning process
  • Collecting data related to Gross National Production annually by provincial level, publishing and using them for the planning process
    • Making marginal plans for each field, collective development plans and annual programs for undeveloped areas
    • Making midterm, collective physical and economic development plans with the collective participation of central government, private sector and non government sector and making collective development programs, projects and annual programs based on them
    • Maneuvering provincial development activities and coordination, assessment, progress control and post investigation of them
    • Introducing a Management Information System and Geographic Information System and using them for decision making process
    • Identifying special development activities that can be implemented upon foreign aids and making projects.
    • Keep in touch with various agencies, active organizations, private and nongovernmental sectors

Making marginal plans for each field, collective development plans and annual programs for undeveloped areas